Health and Safety Executive (HSE) Update

Health and Safety Executive (HSE) Update

An updated list of ingredients with proposed CMR classifications: Methylene Di-t-Butylcresol (Not listed in Annexes of the UKCR) – Proposed CMR 1B (reprotox) / CMR 2 (carc)Methyl salicylate (Not listed in Annexes of the UKCR) – Proposed CMR 2...
Health and Safety Executive (HSE) Update

OPSS Publish Updated Enforcement Policy

On 29 June 2022 the Office of Product Safety and Standards (OPSS) published their updated enforcement policy setting out their approach to tackling non-compliance and potential safety risks. Dependent on the type of non-compliance, the types of enforcement action...
Health and Safety Executive (HSE) Update

Amendment to UK Toy Regulation Published

The OPSS publish an updated which amends the UK toys Regulation to restrict the permitted levels of aluminium, aniline and formaldehyde in toys. The UK is restricting the limit values for aluminium in toys to: 2,250mg/kg in dry, brittle, powder-like or pliable toy...
Health and Safety Executive (HSE) Update

Update to the UKCA Mark Deadline

On 20 June 2022 the Government announced changes to help simplify the application process of the UKCA marking for most products placed on the market in GB. These changes include: reducing the re-testing costs for UKCA certification, by allowing conformity assessment...