Draft SCCS Opinion on Methyl Salicylate (Children Exposure)

Final SCCS Opinion on HC Blue 18

On 8th May 2023, the Scientific Committee on Consumer Safety (SCCS) published its final opinion on the use of hair colorant HC Blue 18 in non-oxidative and oxidative hair dye formulations. The SCCS concluded that the use of hair dye HC Blue 18 is safe for use in...
Draft SCCS Opinion on Methyl Salicylate (Children Exposure)

New SCCS Mandate for Benzophenone-4

On 17 April 2023, the Scientific Committee on Consumer Safety (SCCS) was mandated by the EU Commission to review the safety of benzophenone-4 in cosmetic products, in relation to its suspected endocrine disrupting properties. The terms of reference for this mandate...