Advertisements for hazardous chemicals lack required warning

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A recent post from ECHA (European Chemicals Agency).

82 % of inspected internet advertisements for hazardous chemicals lack required warning ECHA/PR/18/09

An enforcement project checking online advertisements for hazardous chemical mixtures finds a significant number with no hazard statements. Administrative orders, fines and criminal complaints have been undertaken.

Helsinki, 23 April 2018 – A total of 1 314 internet advertisements were checked, with 1 083 (82 %) found to be non-compliant with the Classification, Labelling and Packaging (CLP) Regulation. The majority of the non-compliant advertisements did not contain the required information on hazards.

The project’s aim was to check whether the advertisements of hazardous chemical mixtures offered for sale on the internet comply with the requirements of Article 48(2) to CLP. This provision states that an advertisement for a mixture classified as hazardous has to mention the hazard indicated on the label if the mixture can be purchased without first seeing the label.

Enforcement authorities carried out the 1 314 desktop inspections from January to August in 2017. 95 % of the checked websites were professional internet shops. The majority of the inspected mixtures were used for household (37 %), construction (16 %), and motor products (14 %).

In cases of non-compliance, inspectors took appropriate enforcement measures to remedy or sanction it. In most cases, written or verbal advice was given, but other measures, such as fines, administrative orders or criminal complaints, were also taken.

Click to read the post on ECHA website.

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